Friday, July 11, 2008


I am sad to report that we will be moving. We put on offer on a house last week and they accepted. I looks like we will be closing the first week of August. So we will be looking for someone to rent our house. It's 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. The house should be available to rent by Sept 1st. We want to replace the carpet and get moved out and clean it really good before the renters get in. Call me if you have any questions or know someone who could be renters. We will miss the ward, but we have out grown our house. The new house is located up by Centennial High School.


The Foulgers said...

That is sad you are leaving, but I understand about needing more space. Good luck with everything! Keep us posted on the baby!

Nicole said...

what???!!! we will miss you and your family... where's your house? we just moved from that area...

Amanda said...

Congratulations! Joe and I wondered if you were going to move with the new addition.

Mikki said...

So sad to hear your moving. But, it's definitely understandable. We'll be needing more room soon as well, as these little munchkins keep getting bigger. Good luck on the house hunt. Hope you get the one you really want.