Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bun in the oven

My kids heard me making the appointment with the doctor, and we couldn't lie to them. So they know, and I figured that it would not be too long until they told some friends and so on, so I'm just going to blog about it. We are prego. This will be the last one. I fell like crap. Lucky me. We are excited about it and the kids are excited about it. Caitilin already has asked if the baby has grown bigger. Wish me luck that the morning sickness only last a little longer. Yuck. :)


jamieBEE said...

CONGRATS!!! :) good luck!

Missy said...

CONGRATS!! Hope you feel better quickly!! I swear by the nausea drug my dr. gave me!

Nicole said...

Congrats! I hope the morning sickness doesn't last much longer, hang in there.

Mikki said...

Congratulations!!! Another kind of like a cousin only not.
Hope the yuckiness goes away soon!!

Sheri said...

That is so awesome.Hey does that mean you are not playing v-ball this year?I don't want you diving for balls again pregnant.

anna banana said...

Congratulations Shallan!

Nicole said...

yeah!!!! that's so wonderful!!! but i hear ya about the morning sickness. just plow through, as miserable as that is. i hope it goes away soon... congratulations!!!!

Jilene said...

how exciting. I know how you feel. I keep telling myself that I will NEVER do this again because of how crappy I felt through the first trimester. But now I feel awesome, so hang in there. What is your due date?

Kata said...

Yeehaww! No way! I can't believe ti. I had no idea. I need to read blogs more. I am finding out all sorts of things tonight! BTW- you lesson rocked today. Sorry I didn't have my manual, I usually do- I just htought It would be a Mothers day lesson.

Amanda said...

Congrats Shallan, I am so happy for you. Tell your family hi from us.